Club president Jacob Hunt called the meeting to order and welcomed all.
Kevin Courtney offered the prayer and led the pledge to the flag.
Membership chair, Bruce Yeager inducted new member Gene Howard
Gene's classification is CEO - non-profit retired.  He was sponsored by Steve Stauffer
Make sure to meet Gene and welcome him to our family of Rotary.
Galen Miller, from the Hilton Head MLK Committee for Justice was our speaker.  His program brought us up to date on all the happenings during MLK Celebration Month
The mission of the organization is it "strengthens the community by promoting Dr. King's legacy of love, equality, peace and civil rights. We celebrate diversity and embrace the ideals of inclusion and equity. Through nonviolent direct action, we strive for social justice and positive change, while emphasizing civic action, education and community events and service.".  In the early years, the committee focused on the MLK march and program, however more has been added like a children's fun day (January 11), service day (January 18) , interfaith service (January 16) with big changes in 2020. The committee has ben rebranded, changing its name, creating subcommittees, expanding social media/website/facebook, year round partnerships, volunteering and more events. The service project is historic Gullah cemeteries and neighborhood community clean up.  January 18 they will be focusing on Jonesville and Muddy Creek.  January 20 is MLK day with the memorial march at 10 am followed by  a program and luncheon at the Hilton Head High School.  All events are free to the public except for the Saturday January 25 Dine & Dance Sneaker Ball which will be held at the Port Royal Beach House.  You can learn more at