President Lynn King welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
Ray Warco offered the prayer and led the pledge to the flag.
photo credit Lynn King
On Saturday January 23, club members gathered to do trash pick up at the Hilton Head High School campus.  It was a great day to be out doors, have fellowship, and do good for the community.
Membership - Monday January 25 Orientation was held for Beth Kuzmic with several members attending.  Today is the first posting for prospective new member Lauren Hollis.
photo credit Barry Davis
Area 4 Assistant Governor Dot Jeger was on hand to induct new member Beth Kuzmick.  Beth is sponsored by Nancy Riedel.  If you haven't met Beth yet, please make sure to do so and welcome her to the club.  Welcome, Beth!
Sergeant at Arms, Suzi Oliver collected Happy $ and introduced the speaker.
photo credit Lynn King
Dr. Richard Gough, President of Technical College of the Lowcountry was the speaker, updating us on what is happening at TLC.  He began by showing a brief marketing video.  Two points of his presentation were: 1. the Value of TCL  and 2. the pandemic's impact.
TCL is Accessible, Affordable, Targeted and Relevant.
Accessible - (55%) - it is an open enrollment college. If you have a high school diploma or GED you will be accepted - maybe not to all programs.  Many students require additional classes to qualify for some programs.
Affordable (34%) - Tuition is about 1/3 of other local colleges
Targeted (96%) - 96% of the students come from the Lowcountry.  Most stay here after graduation.
Relevant (94%) - 94% of graduates are placed in jobs for what they were trained for.
The average USC/Clemson student walks away with about $40,000 debt.  About 20% of TCL students do transfer to university..  TCL was recognized as the best two year college two years ago.  It is a military friendly school. There are about 1,000 to 1,500 military leaving active duty and want to stay in the lowcountry and TCL offers education and training to allow that.  All credits can be used to transfer (some will transfer as electives).  TCL have over 400 dual enrollment students - that means high school students also taking classes at TCL. There is a vision to expand health science programs for which there is a need.  The school is adding a "Work Force Training Center" at the New River campus, it is in the planning stage.  The new program is the Culinary program. TCL worked with the County, town of Bluffton to develop this 15 million dollar 28,000 sq. ft facility in Buckwalter.  It will have non credit courses, an auditorium for things like Iron Chef competitions, and will open in the Fall of 2021.  
Covid 19 had an impact on the college and required an operational response.  They had to pivot to online training.  The problem is that a large amount of students do not have the resources to participate in this manner.  Over 70% of students are part time, some are lacking computer and connectivity, and for some their home environment is not conducive to this option.  Enrollment was down 10%, in Fall - some students working two jobs or have children at home and it becomes difficult.  Free tuition for both credit and non credit courses helps.  A program that has done well is one for over the road truck drivers.  It normally costs $5,000 and TCL found a way to pay for the students.  For more information about the college visit