President Kristin Keller welcomed all to our club meeting at USCB Hilton Head
The prayer was offered by Kevin Courtney, who also led the pledge to the flag
Welcome to visiting Rotarians: Eric Smith (Upper Arlington, Ohio ) and Ray Enstine (Southampton NY)
We received a nice letter of thank you from Deep Well for our participation in holiday basket delivery as well as toys for Christmas. Over 800 children were served.
Island Rec Center also expressed gratitude in a letter.
The Scholarship application is available now with the deadline being March 20th to have it turned in.  Our $10,000 scholarship is awarded to a graduating student of a high school located in Hilton Head Island.  It is awarded over four years in the increments of $4,000, $2,000, $2,000, $2,000.
Suzi Oliver, Sergeant at Arms, collected Happy $$.
Speaker this morning was Zachary Green who presented an interesting program titled "The Dachshund and the Devil Dog"
He is an amateur historian whose hobby is the Marine Corp and WWI.  He talked about the causes of WWI 
The Alliances were explained - Triple Entente: Great Britain, France, Russia and Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.  and a detailed color coded map of the European Alliances before World War I gave great perspective as to the situation in Europe in 1914. 
Zachary explained that gas warfare (chlorine gas and mustard gas) was not the worst - trench warfare was much worse.
His exhibit of an authentic uniform was truly amazing and to be able to exam it and touch the fabric added so much to helping connect to the information Zachary presented.  It was a fascinating and informative presentation.